General Surgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Cholecystectomy and Hepatectomy

Question: To perform a liver resection, our surgeon performed a cholecystectomy. Can we bill separately for it? Or is it included in the hepatectomy (47120-47130)?

Virginia Subscriber
Answer: Cholecystectomy (47600-47620) should not be billed separately.
The introduction to Chapter 6 of Correct Coding Initiative version 8.0 states: "When, in the course of a hepatectomy, a cholecystectomy is necessary in order to successfully perform the hepatectomy, a separate procedure code is not coded for the cholecystectomy; component procedures necessary to perform a more comprehensive procedure are included in the code describing the more comprehensive service."
If the gallbladder is removed because of stones or patient history of recurrent gallbladder attacks and is not contained in the portion of the liver that was resected, the cholecystectomy could be reported separately with modifier -59 (Distinct procedural service) appended.