General Surgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Excision of Single Varicose Vein

Question: The surgeon notes a 5-mm well-circumscribed blue firm mass palpable within the varicose vein and describes the procedure as similar to removing a thrombosed hemorrhoid, this is just a thrombosed vein Using a #15 scalpel blade, I made an incision directly over the mass, then extracted the clot with a curette, explored the wound, irrigated with some sterile saline, then brought the wound edges together with Steri-strips All the codes associated with clot removals seem to be for deep veins only. Is there a code for excision of a clot from a varicose or superficial vein? Or should I use an unlisted-procedure code?

Florida Subscriber
Answer: The only code that describes excisions involving varicose veins is 37785 (ligation, division, and/or excision of recurrent or secondary varicose veins [clusters], one leg). According to the procedure note above, however, an excision was made in one vein only. Therefore, it may be appropriate to append modifier -52 (reduced services) to 37785 to indicate that a vein cluster was not removed. If the carrier denies the 37785-52 claim, it may be necessary to use 37799 (unlisted procedure, vascular surgery).

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