General Surgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

National Physician Fee Schedule

Question: Can you tell me how to find out global periods for each of the general surgery CPT codes? Is there a global period for 36005, 36145?

Georgia Subscriber
Answer: CPT code 36005 (injection procedure for contrast venography [including introduction of needle or intracatheter]) has no global days, which means that any related procedures or services performed on the same day as the 36005 are bundled to it.
For code 36415 (routine venipuncture or finger/heel/ear stick for collection of specimen[s]), meanwhile, the global package does not even apply.
You may download the 2000 National Physician fee schedule Relative Value file at, which contains a zipped file that, when downloaded, includes a spreadsheet listing all CPT and HCPCS codes and the various components of their RVUs. It also lists the global period status of all procedures and other valuable data on bilateral surgery and co-surgery, among other things.