General Surgery Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Don't Limit Add-On Code Use Without Specific Instructions

Question: I read your You Be the Coder in the July 2010 issue of General Surgery Coding Alert regarding coding for a Tru-Cut liver biopsy. It has always been my understanding that you use 47001 when performing open surgical procedures. If a surgeon is performing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy I would choose 47000. Is this incorrect?

Michigan Subscriber

Answer: Code +47001 (Biopsy of liver, needle; when done for indicated purpose at time of other major procedure [list separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) was added to CPT before laparoscopy was a common surgical approach and the intent at that time was likely to add it when the patient was having another open procedure. However, there is no specific list of codes that 47001 can be added to. Additionally, since the biopsy is a service with no global period and which does not have any expected follow up or other implications that would have an impact on using it with a laparoscopic procedure, there should be no problem with using +47001 with either laparoscopic or laparotomy approaches.

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