Health Information Compliance Alert


Prepare Yourself for Privacy Complaints

Brace yourself, covered entities. If you have patients who feel like they've been licked by privacy rule non-compliance, all they have to do now is lick a stamp and file their complaints with the Department of Heath and Human Services.

HHS' Office for Civil Rights published March 20 in the Federal Register notification of addresses for submission of HIPAA privacy complaints for violations occurring on or after the April 14 deadline. Individuals who feel their privacy rights have been violated must: submit their complaints in either paper or electronic format, name the entity accused of violating HIPAA and describe the "acts or omissions believed to be in violation" of the act, and file within 180 days of when the complainant knew "or should have known" that the act or omission occurred.

Each submission should be addressed first to the regional office of the OCR.