ICD 10 Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

First, Define March Fracture

Question: Encounter notes indicate that the provider treated a patient with a “march fracture, 2+3 R metatarsal.” It was the initial encounter for this injury. What diagnosis code do these notes indicate, and what’s a march fracture?

Illinois Subscriber

Answer: According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), march fractures are “metatarsal fractures, most commonly second and third metatarsal fractures caused by an overuse injury. The repetitive impact to the metatarsals with weight-bearing exercises cause microfractures, which consolidate to stress fractures.”

When you see march fracture on an encounter form, know that the term is synonymous with stress fracture; it’s just more specific to the location of the stress fracture.

These injuries occur in the foot, meaning the proper diagnosis code for the patient you describe is M84.374A (Stress fracture, right foot, initial encounter for fracture).