Modifier Coding Alert

Calculate Your Pay

Using the previously mentioned example of a PA assisting in the open repair of a patient’s sternum (21825), here is the math behind the payments:

The MPFS assigns a total relative value unit (RVU) of $15.70 to code 21825.

When you multiply the RVUs by the 2014 unadjusted national conversion factor of 35.8228, you get the national allowable fee: $562.42. (Keep in mind that the conversion factor changes each year.)

The payment amount for a physician assisting at surgery is calculated as follows: 

  • Multiply $562.42 x .16 = $89.99
  • Multiply the results by .80

*The payment amount for a PA, NP, or CNS assisting at surgery is calculated as follows: 

  • Multiply $562.42 x .16 = $89.99
  • Multiple $89.99 x .86 = $77.39
  • Multiple the results by .85

*Co-insurance or patient is responsible for the other 20 percent and any applicable deductible amounts.