Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert

Reader Question:

728.89 and 20550 Describe Iliotibial Band Injection

Question: What are the correct procedure and diagnosis codes for an iliotibial band injection?

Missouri Subscriber

Answer: For the diagnosis, assign 728.89 (Other disorders of muscle, ligament and fascia; other) for iliotibial band syndrome. ICD-9 currently indexes the condition as iliotibial band friction syndrome. Submit procedure code 20550 (Injection[s]; single tendon sheath, or ligament, aponeurosis [e.g., plantar “fascia”]).

Definition: The iliotibial band is a thick band of fascia on the outside of the knee that stabilizes the knee during running. It extends from the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and knee, and inserts just below the knee. Iliotibial band syndrome is one of the leading causes of lateral knee pain in runners.