2 Tips To Streamline The Notification Process

OASIS C sets time limits on your medication review work, but many physicians aren't on the same timetable.

Tip #1: Add language to your policy that escalates it up the line of authority when physicians take their time responding to your alert. Use this sample to get started, recommends Lynda Laff with Laff Associates in Hilton Head, S.C.:


1. If the MD does not respond within X hours, the clinician will attempt to contact the physician again through the preferred method of contact.

2. If the second attempt goes unanswered, the clinician will discuss the significant issue with the immediate supervisor.

3. If the issue is validated as significant, the supervisor or administrator will contact the Medical Director.

4. The Medical Director will review the concern and determine how to resolve it.

Tip #2: Many agencies compose short letters to the doctors they usually work with, Laff notes. The letters list out the agency's responsibilities regarding medication review and physician contact.  Often, learning why the agency needs a response will make physicians more willing to act quickly.