

Which are the important words in M0100: "planned" or "diagnostic testing?"

Scenario: Your patient is routinely admitted to the hospital for planned chemotherapy.

Question: Do you have to complete an RFA 6/7 (Transfer to the Inpatient Facility) each time the patient goes into the hospital for these planned admissions?

A) Yes, because it is a planned admission for treatment, not for the diagnostic testing exception allowed by M0100.

B) No, because this is a routine planned admission, not an unexpected or emergent care admission.

Answer: B. An RFA 6/7 (Transfer) is required any time the patient is admitted to an inpatient facility for 24 hours or longer for reasons other than diagnostic testing. The fact that it was a planned admission is not a factor in determining if the Transfer OASIS data collection and submission are required, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services explains in Question 6 of the April 22, 2009 OASIS questions and answers. In this scenario you must complete an RFA6/7 (Transfer) each time the patient is admitted as an inpatient for 24 hours or longer, since the admission is for treatment and not just diagnostic testing.

Caution: When patients are admitted for diagnostic testing only and do not receive treatment, they do not require an RFA 6/7 (Transfer) no matter how long they stay in the inpatient facility, CMS reiterates. But if it was a planned admission for diagnostic testing and the patient ends up receiving treatment, a Transfer OASIS would be required if the patient stays in the inpatient bed for 24 hours or longer, CMS clarifies.

Note: The latest CMS OASIS Q&As are at  www.oasiscertificate.org under "Resources."