Optometry Coding & Billing Alert

Reader Questions:

Look to 92225 for Goldmann-3

Question: Is 92020 the correct way to code for a Goldmann three-mirror exam? The examination was done to look at the retinal periphery for a patient with flashes and floaters.

Missouri Subscriber

Answer: Code the Goldmann-3 exam with 92225 (Ophthalmoscopy, extended, with retinal drawing, with interpretation and report; initial). When you look at the retina with any special piece of equipment, including a three-mirror goniolens, the service is considered an extended ophthalmoscopy.

Report 92020 (Gonioscopy [separate procedure]) when you use a goniolens to inspect the angles of the iris. Because you were examining the retina, and not the angles of the iris, report 92225 in this case.

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