Orthopedic Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Antibiotic Cement Not Billable

Question: How do I bill for insertion of an antibiotic cement block during surgery for a loose prosthesis of the knee? (Note: An operative report was submitted with this question and reviewed.)

Georgia Subscriber

Answer: Based on the operative report, the procedure would be listed as 27487 (revision of total knee arthroplasty, with or without allograft; femoral and entire tibial component). There is no additional code or reimbursement for the use of the antibiotic cement, explains Susan Callaway-Stradley, CPC, CCS-P, an independent coding consultant and educator in North Augusta, S.C. She adds that billing for supplies is the responsibility of the facility where the procedure was performed.

Note: The FDA has not approved antibiotic cement for use. It is only used off label in this country and therefore cannot be coded in any case.