Orthopedic Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Latch on to This Liner Exchange Coding Advice

Question: Our surgeon plans to perform an arthroscopy and a liner exchange of a previous total knee replacement. We were planning to report 27486-52 but we aren’t sure whether it’s correct. Which CPT® code should we report for this service?

California Subscriber

Answer: You have multiple choices in this instance. Your first option is to report 27486-52 (Revision of total knee arthroplasty, with or without allograft; one component; reduced services). This code applies because the surgeon is revising part of the tibial component (the liner) while retaining the existing tray.

However, while this is correct for a mechanical complication, AMA has different guidance for liner exchange for d/t infection. In that scenario, the AMA advise reporting 27310 (
Arthrotomy, knee, with exploration, drainage, or removal of foreign body [e.g., infection]), not 27486-52.

For that reason, you may want to steer clear of 27599 (Unlisted procedure, femur or knee) for the surgeon’s work performing the liner exchange. This is because you have applicable listed codes.