Orthopedic Coding Alert

READER QUESTION ~ Separate Knee Compartments Earn Separate Codes

Question: Our surgeon performed a unicondylar knee replacement on a patient. During the same surgery, the physician also performed a microfracture in a different compartment on the same knee. Can we report both the microfracture repair and the knee replacement?

Missouri Subscriber

Answer: You can report both codes on your claim based on the fact that the surgeon addressed conditions in separate compartments, although not all insurers will honor the charges.

You should report 27446 (Arthroplasty, knee, condyle and plateau; medial OR lateral compartment) for the unicondylar knee replacement.

In addition, you should report 27599 (Unlisted procedure, femur or knee) for the microfracture.

You should send your operative report with the claim, along with a letter from the physician explaining that the conditions were in separate compartments.

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