Orthopedic Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Stick to 29881 for Saucerization

Question: What is the proper way to report saucerization of a lateral discoid meniscus?

North Carolina Subscriber

Answer: You should code this service as a meniscectomy, such as 29881 (Arthroscopy, knee, surgical; with meniscectomy [medial OR lateral, including any meniscal shaving]).

Although the meniscectomy code does not include the word "saucerization" -- which you-ll find in other codes such as 26230 (Partial excision [craterization, saucerization or diaphysectomy] bone [e.g., osteomyelitis]; metacarpal) -- 29881 is the appropriate code. Your surgeon may think that the extra work involved also merits modifier 22 (Increased procedural services).

Note: Your surgeon also may refer to this procedure, in which the surgeon sculpts the discoid meniscus into a more natural "C" shape, as a meniscoplasty.

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