Otolaryngology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Coding for Percutaneous Vocal Cord Injection

Question:Our physician wants to inject Radiesse through the patient’s neck into the vocal cord with a laryngoscopy. What should we code, since both 31570 and 31571 are for “direct” procedures? 

Minnesota Subscriber

Answer: You’re correct in thinking that 31570 (Laryngoscopy, direct, with injection into vocal cord[s], therapeutic) and 31571 (… with operating microscope or telescope) are incorrect for the procedure you describe. A “scope” procedure means the injection went through the throat and down to the vocal cords. 

If the physician administers a percutaneous injection, you should report the service with 31599 (Unlisted procedure, larynx) and explanatory documentation. The unlisted code includes both the injection and the flexible laryngoscopy.

Do not forget to bill for the Radiesse with Q2026 (Injection, radiesse, 0.1 ml) times the number of units should be billed for the material injected into the vocal cords. 

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