Part B Insider (Multispecialty) Coding Alert

In other news ...

• CMS is getting snippy with oxygen suppliers over the payment changes that take effect Jan. 1.

CMS has heard concerns about the oxygen change from Medicare beneficiaries and insurance counselors in Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, and other states, says Laurence Wilson of CMS.

Wilson says the concerns are unfounded and in many cases have resulted from misleading representations by oxygen equipment suppliers, according to the Associated Press.

CMS will take enforcement action against oxygen equipment suppliers that have misled Medicare beneficiaries, ranging from a warning letter to the revocation of supplier billing numbers, Wilson threatens.

"Beneficiaries will continue to get oxygen as long as they need it," CMS said in a Medicare Consumer Alert on oxygen released Dec. 17. "The supplier is required to perform any repairs or provide replacements at no cost to beneficiaries until the beneficiary has used the equipment for 5 years."

If suppliers don't follow those rules, CMS directs beneficiaries to report them by calling the 1-800- MEDICARE number.