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In other news

If you filed a claim during the legal battle between the American Medical Association (AMA) and UHC, you can expect your check by mid-April.  

In early February, a federal judge approved the release of payments in the 2009 settlement against UHC. A total of almost $200 million will be paid out to physicians for 15 years of artificially low payments by UHC for out-of-network health services.

"The truly lasting legacy of this court challenge will continue long after the last physician has received a share of the landmark settlement," said Peter W. Carmel, M.D., president of the AMA, in a statement. "UnitedHealth and other insurers no longer will be able to pull the wool over doctors' and patients' eyes when determining payment rates for out-of-network care."

If you did not file a claim, unfortunately, it is too late to do so. But if you did, you should expect your portion of the settlement by April 15, 2012, according to the AMA Website. If you have questions about the settlement or your payment, you can review the AMA's FAQ about the settlement at