Pediatric Coding Alert


Don't Miss These Hospital Newborn Code Changes

HIE, blood codes specify type, baby.

You'll want to update neonatologists on encephalopathy's code expansion and two hematological code revisions.

When newborn disease is associated with hypoxicischemic encephalopathy [HIE] (768.7), your charge tickets will need to capture the type as:

768.7, unspecified

768.71, HIE mild

768.72, HIE moderate

768.73, HIE severe.

Don't miss: You'll need added digits on these revised codes:

1. Fetal blood loss will specify fetal blood loss of newborn (772.0)

2. 776.9 for an unspecified hematological disorder will be specific to the newborn and will no longer also include the fetus.

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Pediatric Coding Alert

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