Pediatric Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Know Recommended, Required, to Code This Supplement Encounter

Question: Our provider just prescribed a Vitamin D supplement to a 1-month-old breastfeeding baby. The baby is not Vitamin D deficient; our provider just believes in following the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) recommendation that infants under 12 months receive 400 International Units (IU) per day. What ICD-10 codes should we use to document this encounter, given that the infant is healthy?

Codify Subscriber

Answer: There is no ICD-10 code for this particular situation. Since the baby is healthy, and the supplement is recommended but not required, you will have to use healthy infant encounter codes to document this encounter.

You could use either Z00.129 (Encounter for routine child health examination without abnormal findings) or Z76.2 (Encounter for health supervision and care of other healthy infant and child) depending on the context of the encounter.