Pediatric Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Take These Tips, Master Rhinitis Coding

Question: Could you describe the differences between the following rhinitis types: vasomotor, allergic and chronic? Also, which ICD-10 codes would you choose to represent this trio of rhinitis conditions?

Nebraska Subscriber

Answer: Rhinitis, or inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose, comes in several forms. Check out this rundown of the most common rhinitis types, and how to spot them on your pediatrician’s encounter forms:

Vasomotor rhinitis: You should report vasomotor rhinitis with J30.0 (Vasomotor rhinitis):

Symptoms of this condition include swelling of nasal mucous membrane and rhinorrhea without infection or allergy.

Allergic rhinitis: You should report allergic rhinitis with one of the following ICD-10 codes:

  • J30.1, Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
  • J30.2, Other seasonal allergic rhinitis
  • J30.5, Allergic rhinitis due to food
  • J30.81, Allergic rhinitis due to animal (cat) (dog) hair and dander
  • J30.89, Other allergic rhinitis

Symptoms of all types of allergic rhinitis include an inflammation of the nasal passages caused by allergic reaction to airborne substances.

Chronic rhinitis: You should report chronic rhinitis with J31.0 (Chronic rhinitis).

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis include a protracted sluggish inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane and/or inflammation of the sinuses lasting more than 12 weeks.