Pediatric Coding Alert

Still Confused About ICD-10's Benefits? Read This

The learning curve may seem steep, but you'll reap the benefits of ICD-10

If your only exposure to ICD-10 is a quick perusal of the sheer volume of new diagnosis codes, you're probably worried about the prospect of transitioning to the new coding system. However, you shouldn't let the size of the coding volume scare you into thinking that ICD-10 won't offer any benefits.

You've likely heard that ICD-10 will offer greater specificity, but check out these three additional reasons from Richard Tuck, MD, FAAP, pediatrician at PrimeCare of Southeastern Ohio in Zanesville that ICD-10 could help your pediatric practice significantly.

1. More detail for preauthorization medical review. Anyone who has ever sought an insurance preauthorization is well aware of the hurdles involved. Thanks to ICD-10, that process might be a little easier, since the payer will get a more complete story of the patient's condition due to the detail in ICD-10 codes. With more information, the payer will be less likely to return to you for additional information, which can slow approvals and payment, as well as create additional work for you.

2. Improved ability to measure health care services. Due to ICD-10's specificity, payers will be able to determine the number of patients with certain conditions who are seeking specific services. In cases where payers are on the fence about whether to pay for particular procedures, the use of ICD-10 will assist in showing the insurers the value of payment for these services.

3. Supports patient-centered primary care. With the expansion of the diagnosis code set, pediatricians will have more detail to support effective engagement and interventions, and will be able to more accurately communicate the patient's conditions to other practitioners involved in the patient's care.