Eli's Rehab Report

News Briefs:

RACs Get a Booster Shot From the White House

If Medicare's Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) are raking you over the coals, get ready for more heat. President Obama has signed an executive order giving RACs more fuel. The executive order targets waste and fraud in Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs, the White House reported in a press release.

The order praises the work of RACs, which receive` financial incentives to find improper payments. RACs "have been demonstrated through pilot programs to be highly effective," the White House cheers. "In fact, expanded use of payment recapture audits could return at least $2 billion in taxpayer money over the next three years -- double the current amount of projected recovered costs."

In addition, the president signed a presidential memorandum on March 10 that directs all federal departments and agencies to expand and intensify their use of payment recapture audits.

The president specifically named the RAC pilot "successes" in California and New York in his remarks on health insurance reform in St. Charles, Mo, reports News Now. Obama also supports the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act bipartisan legislation, which expands government agencies' ability to fund the audits with recaptured payments.

To view the full press release and fact sheet regarding this executive order, visit www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office.

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