Eli's Rehab Report

Reader Question:

Diagnosis Code for Piriformis Syndrome

"Question: Is there a diagnosis code for piriformis syndrome?

Georgie Powell
Cumberland , Md.

Answer: Piriformis is a pear-shaped muscle that is one of the six deep lateral rotators of the hip, and piriformis syndrome involves nerve compression of the sciatic nerve. The ICD-9 code for piriformis syndrome is 355.0 (lesion of the sciatic nerve).

Note: Answers for Reader Questions was provided by: Patricia Niccoli, president of ElectroAge Billing, a medical billing firm in Phoenix; Brenda Messick, CPC, senior consultant at Gates, Moore & Co, a physician reimbursement consulting firm in Atlanta; and Ron Nelson, PA-C, president of Health Services Associates, a healthcare practice management consulting firm in Freemont, Mich."