Eli's Rehab Report

Reader Question:

Include Rehab Therapy Assistance Count on MDS 3.0

Question: The practice I work for is struggling to determine when rehab therapy assistance is included on the MDS 3.0. Can you verify what counts as activities of daily living (ADL) help that can be coded? Are we still able to include ADL assistance provided by family members? What about rehab therapists in the SNF or ADL help provided while the resident was in the hospital?

-- Massachusetts subscriber

Answer: Keeping in mind that CMS may still make changes to the MDS 3.0 instruction manual, currently the instructions say to include episodes of the ADL activity involving the nursing home staff only, says Rena Shephard, president and CEO of RRS Healthcare Consulting in San Diego. That means "no family, visitors, or hospital staff. Presumably, the resident's performance with rehab staff is to be considered, since the instructions do not specifically exclude rehab staff."

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