Eli's Rehab Report


4 Rehab Codes to Strike Out in 2006

Question: Were there any PM&R-specific CPT Codes deleted for 2006?

North Carolina Subscriber

Answer: If you used any of the following four codes, you should be sure to strike them off your list for coding options:

• 95858--Tensilon test for myasthenia gravis; with electromyographic recording

• 97504--Orthotic(s) fitting and training, upper extremity(ies), lower extremity(ies), and/or trunk, each 15 minutes

• 97520--Prosthetic training, upper and/or lower extremities, each 15 minutes

• 97703--Checkout for orthotic/prosthetic use, established patient, each 15 minutes.

In 2006, you should delete 95858.

In the case of 97504, 97520 and 97703, however, you’ll have corresponding new codes to take care of  these services:

• 97760--Orthotic(s) management and training (including assessment and fitting when not otherwise reported), upper extremity(s), lower extremity(s) and/or trunk, each 15 minutes

• 97761--Prosthetic training, upper and/or lower extremity(s), each 15 minutes

• 97762--Checkout for orthotic/prosthetic use, established patient, each 15 minutes.