Eli's Rehab Report

Reader Questions:

Keep an Eye on Your Iontophoresis LCD

Question: Our Medicare fiscal intermediary has quit paying for iontophoresis. When did Medicare quit paying for this modality? Another question I have about iontophoresis is can you reuse the electrodes the next day for the same patient? I'm wondering if they will still transmit the medicine.

South Dakota Subscriber

Answer: Just to clarify, CMS has no national policy on iontophoresis, so it technically never "quit paying" for iontophoresis. Your individual Medicare contractor determines whether it will reimburse for iontophoresis, and it's not unlikely that it would have recently changed its coverage policy. Either way, it's a good idea to keep an eye on who your Medicare contractor is. With the ongoing implementation of Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that are replacing FIs and carriers, providers are getting new Medicare contractors -- which means new local coverage determinations (LCDs).

As far as reusing the electrodes, I would not recommend it since I am unaware of any research that is available that would support the efficacy of re-useable electrodes.

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