Podiatry Coding & Billing Alert

Reader Question:

Always Check for Included Conditions With ICD-10 Codes

Question: My podiatrist documented a diagnosis of congenital poikiloderma. I am not sure which ICD-10 code to report. Can you help me?

Wisconsin Subscriber

Answer: This is a case where it is vital to look under the covered conditions for the code. If you look at Q82.8 (Other specified congenital malformations of skin), you will see that “congenital poikiloderma” is a covered condition. Take a look at some of the other conditions Q82.8 includes:

  • Abnormal palmar creases
  • Accessory skin tags
  • Benign familial pemphigus [Hailey-Hailey]
  • Cutis laxa (hyperelastica)
  • Dermatoglyphic anomalies
  • Inherited keratosis palmaris et plantaris
  • Keratosis follicularis [Darier-White]