Practice Management Alert

Sample collections role-play scenario

Use two volunteers. Have one play the collector and one play the patient. The collectors job is to collect a $200 outstanding balance from the patient. For training purposes, have the patient refuse to pay.

During the role-playing, pay attention to how the collector handles the patients protest. Then, gently critique the collectors actions, first pointing out what she did right and then discussing things she might have improved on.

Offer these suggestions for how a collector can deal with a patient who is refusing to pay:

" Here is a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope for you to use to mail your payment within one week.

" We accept payments with check, credit card, and debit card. If you dont have the cash, do you have a check, credit, or debit card you could use to pay?

" There is a convenient ATM around the corner. I would be happy to wait while you get the money.

" Today is Wednesday. How much time will you need on the $200?

Alternative: Instruct the patient to refuse payment for any reason she chooses, and see how the collector reacts.Then, have a staff discussion on the interaction, talking about the strengths and weaknesses of the collectors efforts.

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