Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Coding for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Question: What is the code for pulmonary fibrosis?

Colorado Subscriber

Answer: ICD-9 code 515 is used for unspecified pulmonary fibrosis. If pulmonary fibrosis is the only information provided to the coder (because the physician had more specific information but did not relay it to the coder, or he or she did not have any more diagnostic information), 515 is appropriate. If more specific information about the fibrosis is given (such as complications or conditions resulting from it), a more specific code should be used. For example, if the patient had pulmonary fibrosis with asbestosis, 501 would be reported. Or, if the patient had diffuse pulmonary fibrosis, 516.3 would be used. It all depends on how specific the documentation is.