Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Count Anatomic Sites, Not Lesions

Question: How should I report a "laser bronchoscopy" when the pulmonologist treats multiple tumors or lesions?

New Mexico Subscriber

Answer: You should report the pulmonologist's work based on the anatomic sites the physician treats, not the number of tumors or lesions the pulmonologist treated.

For instance, if the physician uses laser therapy to destroy three tumors on the left lung, you should assign 31641 (Bronchoscopy [rigid or flexible]; with destruction of tumor or relief of stenosis by any method other than excision [e.g., laser therapy, cryotherapy]).

But if the surgery involves the lungs and trachea, for example, you may be able to report 31641-59 (Bronchoscopy ...; distinct procedural service) in addition to 31641. The modifier signifies that the second bronchoscopy was a separate service from the first.

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