Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Instruction Justifies Multiple 94664 Pay

Question: Do payers limit how many times we can report 94664 in a given period? For example, a patient comes to our practice, and the physician demonstrates the use of a nebulizer device. The patient returns in three months, and the physician again demonstrates nebulizer use. Can we charge for 94664 again?

New York Subscriber

Answer: You may report 94664 (Demonstration and/or evaluation of patient utilization of an aerosol generator, nebulizer, metered dose inhaler or IPPB device) more than once if you must instruct the patient again on proper use during a subsequent visit. CPT instructs coders to use this code only once per day of service. Other than this, Medicare does not limit how many times you can report 94664 during a given period, as long as you actually offer medically necessary instruction on use of the device. Make sure your documentation identifies the need for the subsequent session.

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