Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Pulmonary Stress Test

Question: What code should I use for a six-minute walk (pulmonary stress test)?

Kansas Subscriber

Answer: Based on the information, it appears that 94620 (pulmonary stress testing; simple [e.g., prolonged exercise test for bronchospasm with pre- and post-spirometry]) is appropriate. This code represents a simple test with exercise for the evaluation of bronchospasm with pre- and post-spirometry.

Be sure there is a written report that covers saturation, dyspnea index, distance covered in the time span and pulse. If the only thing commented upon is saturation, for example, auditors regard this as insufficient information.

If you are measuring carbon dioxide production and oxygen uptake and obtaining and monitoring electrocardiogram readings, use 94621 (... complex [including measurements of CO2 production, O2 uptake, and electrocardiographic recordings]).

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