Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Complex Stress Tests Bundle CO2 and O2

Question: Our pulmonologist has been doing complex metabolic stress tests, and we're not quite sure that we are billing correctly. He says he is doing a cardiac stress test, monitoring PFTs, and taking numerous measurements of CO2 and O2. I think it should be 94621 (Pulmonary stress testing ...) plus the PFTs. Any thoughts or input?

Michigan Subscriber

Answer: According to CPT guidelines, complex stress tests measure the integration of cardiac and pulmonary function, along with the status of physical fitness. It includes measuring CO2 production and O2 uptake, along with performing PFTs. You should report 94621 because it represents the complete service provided by the pulmonologist.

The key to coding for this service is to know the procedures that are bundled with the complex metabolic stress testing. You can find the bundled codes in the Correct Coding Initiative edits.