Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Learn Which Code Applies to 2-View Bilateral Knee X-rays

Question: A patient presented with bilateral knee pain, and the radiologist captured anteroposterior (AP) and posteroanterior (PA) X-ray views of both knees while the patient was standing.

Would I assign 73560 or 73565 to report the procedure?

Massachusetts Subscriber

Answer: You will assign 73560 (Radiologic examination, knee; 1 or 2 views) to report the bilateral two-view X-rays of the patient’s knees. Check with your payer, as well, to know if they require you to append modifier 50 (Bilateral procedure) or modifiers LT (Left side) and RT (Right side) to 73560 to indicate the radiologist performed the procedure on both knees.

You might also consider 73565 (Radiologic examination, knee; both knees, standing, anteroposterior), for a bilateral knee X-ray procedure where the patient is standing. However, the code descriptor specifies which view is required. According to CPT® Assistant, Volume 25, Issue 5, “This code would be reported when the AP standing view is the only view taken.”