Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Make Sure You’re Using Updated Codes to Report X-rays

Question: Our radiologist captured bilateral anteroposterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA), and lateral views of a patient’s hips and pelvis. I assigned 73520, but the claim received a denial stating the code is invalid.

What code should I use to correct the claim?

Illinois Subscriber

Answer: You’ll assign 73522 (Radiologic examination, hips, bilateral, with pelvis when performed; 3-4 views) based on the information you’ve provided. The AP, PA, and lateral views of the patient’s hips and pelvis fulfill the required number of views listed in the code descriptor. Plus, since the code includes bilateral views of the body structures, you do not need to append modifier 50 (Bilateral procedure).

CPT® code 73520 (Radiologic examination, hips, bilateral, minimum of 2 views of each hip, including anteroposterior view of pelvis) was deleted on Jan. 1, 2016, and replaced with 73522, 73521 (… 2 views), and 73523 (… minimum of 5 views). The three codes that replaced 73520 differ in the number of views captured during the procedure.