Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Benchmark Lap Ureterectomy to 50650

Question: How would you code laparoscopic ureterectomy, psoas hitch, right ureteral reimplant, right pelvic lymph node dissection, and double J stent placement?

California Subscriber

Answer: First, report 50948 (Laparoscopy, surgical; ureteroneocystostomy without cystoscopy and ureteral stent placement) for the laparoscopic ureteral implantation.

Then, report 50949 (Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, ureter) for the laparoscopic ureterectomy. Benchmark this unlisted code to the open procedure code: 50650 (Ureterectomy, with bladder cuff [separate procedure]).

Finally, report 38571 (Laparoscopy, surgical; with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy) for the laparoscopic pelvic node resection. Append modifier 52 (Reduced services) since your urologist performed a unilateral, rather than bilateral, lymphadenectomy.

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