Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

BTA Test

Question: How should we bill for the bladder tumor antigen (BTA) stat test?

South Carolina Subscriber

Answer: Now called the Bard stat test, this is an in-office bladder detection test that is coded 86294 (immunoassay for tumor antigen, qualitative or semiquantitative [e.g., bladder tumor antigen]). This is a new code for 2001. Prior to this year, BTA was reported under 86316 (immunoassay for tumor antigen; other antigen, quantitative [e.g., CA 50, 72-4, 549], each). You will only be paid for this code when the patient has a known bladder tumor history (V10.51), a present tumor (188.x) or carcinoma of the bladder (233.7). It will not be paid when used as a screening test.