Wiki ENT certification


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Does anyone out there know of any ENT certification exams that can be found anywhere? I couldn't seem to find them in AAPC or anywhere else.
Or ENT on-line training for ENT surgeries?
Any ideas?
AAPC discontinued the CENTC about 5-8 years ago and we need to get enough people to convince the AAPC that it is worth maintaining the exam. They had discontinued the certification because not enough people were taking the exam each year and it takes a lot to maintain the exam every year.
I'm on board for letting AAPC know I'm interested. I will call them or message them in some way. Maybe our voices will be heard.
Thank you Barbara
Would be nice because I just came here looking to hopefully add an ENT cert under my belt now that I am an auditor for a level 1 trauma ENT facility and it was a difficult specialty to learn, I think having a certification specific for ENT would really show your skill level. If they bring it back I would absolutely consider signing up for the test.
AAPC discontinued the CENTC about 5-8 years ago and we need to get enough people to convince the AAPC that it is worth maintaining the exam. They had discontinued the certification because not enough people were taking the exam each year and it takes a lot to maintain the exam every year.
I am very interested in becoming a CENTC. I have been coding for a local ENT office for 2 years and I code all the E/M, in office surgeries, hospital & ASC surgeries and inpatient consults/procedures. I would love to add the CENTC credentials to my name!!!