Wiki Going OON with Cigna, do we need to still file any claims to them?


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Our organization is going OON with Cigna, hopefully short term. I have heard that if we see any Cigna patients we can file the claim to Cigna and the patients sometimes get reimbursed, which helps with what they owe our practice? Just curious if anyone has experience with whether or not we should file these claims to Cigna... is there any benefit? Anydirection on how to deal with an OON insurance would be appreciated!
I have seen Aetna do this before, but we still had to send the claims to them. Not all Aetna plans paid the patient. I would check the individual plan and see, but I would still send Cigna the claims to go to the patients OON out of pocket if they have one. Also depending on what service you provide if there is not another provider with in a certain distance you can file for a OON wavier. I would look into waivers in general and see if any situation apply for your practice may help out the patients.