Wiki neck exploration not for trauma but to look for abscess


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
MD did an "exploration of right neck for probable lymphangioma of right neck, with no abscess."
Subcutaneous fat is incised down to platysma which is incised. Flaps are developed superior and inferiorly. Submandibular gland is identified. Dissection proceeds posteriorly to SCM and deep to posterior belly of digastric. Dissection proceeds anteriorly to the subplatysmal space. No abscess is encountered. Tissues are soft without inflammation. Patient likely has a multiloculated lymphangioma. Procedure is aborted and platysma is closed with vicryl over a Pensrose drain. Incision is closed with vicryl for subdermis and running 4-0 for skin. No excision done. Not done for trauma.
What would the CPT codes be?
thank you
I know this was almost a year ago...
I am in a similar position right now: Provider did a "posterior neck exploration" but no mass was found. I'm trying to figure out if there is a better code than the unlisted code 21899. I'm curious what code you ended up using in your situation?