Wiki Pilonidal cyst


Spartanburg, SC
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Should 11772 be reported for the excisional debridement or 11044, 11047 x7?

1. Sharp excisional debridement with a #15 scalpel blade sharp scissors and cautery of infected pilonidal cyst down to sacral bone and coccyx measuring 10 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm 160 cm² CPT 11044 and 11047
2. Application wound VAC greater than 50 cm² CPT 97606

Recurrent pilonidal cyst with abscess and drainage

18-year-old female with recurrent pilonidal cyst with chronic drainage and failure to resolve with multiple rounds of antibiotics. She is prepared for excisional debridement of infected pilonidal cyst recurrent. Consent was obtained prescribed to the patient including his complications to include infection bleeding and prolonged wound care using wound VAC. Consent was obtained and placed in the chart. She was administered Ancef 2 g IV preoperatively taken to the operative suite placed in a supine position general seizure was initiated without complications. She was transferred to prone position prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Timeout was taken to confirm the patient and prior procedure. Following this the wound was open and draining. We probed the wound with a hemostat with tunneling cephalad and caudad as well as deep towards the sacral and coccyx bone. This was all opened using a #15 scalpel blade and cauterization. We debrided necrotic tissue and inflammatory tissue using sharp scissors. The wound measured 10 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm deep down to the sacral bone and coccyx bone. At this point copes irrigated with saline until clear. We ensured hemostasis and spot cauterization. Once hemostasis was confirmed we applied the wound VAC. The sterile sponge was trimmed and placed into the wound. There was good coverage of the wound. The sterile adhesive was then applied atop the skin with a good seal the wound VAC was then connected demonstrating good solid seal with no leaking. We concluded the case that she tolerated the procedure well.

18-year-old female with chronic recurrent pilonidal cyst with abscess. Excisional debridement with sharp scissors #15 scalpel blade and cauterization was used to open the pilonidal cyst and abscess cavity down to the sacral bone. Tissue was debrided for 160 cm² and negative pressure wound VAC was applied. She tolerated the procedure well.