Wiki Wound care - multiple providers, who can bill for what

Phoenix, AZ
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I am trying to find resources regarding wound care and who can bill for the treatment of the wounds. The situation is this - our providers (in an FQHC) are sending patients to an outside specialist for treatment of a complex wound. The specialist treats the patient and is the primary provider who is caring for this wound. The patient's are coming back to our office for routine wound care - bandage/dressing change, evaluating how the wound is healing, etc. Our providers are NOT caring for the patient, just our nurses/clinical staff for this condition.
How can we bill for this care? Our clinical staff is performing the care but the care plan is from a different providers office. One option that we are looking into is "incident to" billing - our providers were the ones to provide that initial visit that resulted in a referral to a specialist, and now patient is back in our office for part of the care. The providers are directly supervising this care - in office not always in same room.
I have been looking through CMS and could not find anything specific to this particular scenario, I also looked on our Medicaid website - AHCCCS (Arizona Medicaid) and also nothing specific.
Any help in pointing us in the right direction would be appreciated.