Wiki 2020 Regional locations


Pueblo, CO
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Does anyone know where the 2020 Regional locations yet? Or rumor?
I am interested in learning more about the effect of the 2021 changes to E/M
My coworker and I are both waiting for this info as well but I'm not expecting AAPC to announce the 2020 locations until after the October Regional meeting. I'm willing to be surprised by them announcing early :) I currently plan to go to National next year but she is thinking about going to a Regional since we can't be out at the same time.
I would like to know too - so I can start saving and planning. I am in the Northeast and missed the NYC Regional conference. Would love to see Boston MA or Portland, Maine hosting - wishful thinking.

Where would others like to have a Regional Conference?
I recently emailed AAPC and was told that the location of regional conferences will be released about the time of the National Conference. I certainly wish the announcement would be sooner to facilitate budgetary planning, etc.
I recently emailed AAPC and was told that the location of regional conferences will be released about the time of the National Conference. I certainly wish the announcement would be sooner to facilitate budgetary planning, etc.
Usually, it's sooner than that. I knew about the Hawaii conference a few years ago by February because registration opened up the 1st of March.
I hope they release the details of the regionals sooner than April... There is an outside shot I will be attending the national conference, but a regional is more likely. I pay for my own expenses, and FL is too expensive this year. Has anyone heard where the 2021 conference will be held? Somewhere other than Vegas or Orlando would be nice - maybe a midwestern location like Chicago or St. Louis?
I also am looking for information on Regionals. With HealthCon being in Orlando repeatedly - it's getting pretty mundane! Those of us who require many courses (as a coder/biller company), covering a variety of subjects; there is no way to fit all of them into 1 conference (HealthCon) and must attend the regional also. But, quite frankly, DisneyWorld is getting way overdone! HealthCon is expensive when one must also pay for a regional and I've been to Orlando so many times, my family is even tired of attending as a vacation!
Please - more info on regionals and maybe skipping on Disney for once??
It seems to me that in past years, we would have heard by now where the regionals are. It seems late when everyone has to plan in advance for the cost and time off from work.
I hope this isn’t the case but I have to wonder if AAPC decided to wait so they could sell as many registrations as possible to Healthcon before offering less expensive alternatives. Also even though AAPC says they are going forward with Healthcon, I have to wonder if that could change depending on status of virus in a couple of weeks. Hope for all attendees the news improves and conference goes on as scheduled
Does anyone know where the 2020 Regional locations yet? Or rumor?
I am interested in learning more about the effect of the 2021 changes to E/M

**It's noted Denver, CO 8/12/20 and Charleston, SC 9/14. But again depends on what happens with Corona Virus pandemic. It was just announced NOT to have 50+ more people in an area, so I'm guessing National will likely be canceled soon. **
Does anyone have the hotel information for Charleston. I think it is the Marriot on lockwood drive . Can anyone confirm that?
ALso how do we access the e book purchases
Does anyone have the hotel information for Charleston. I think it is the Marriot on lockwood drive . Can anyone confirm that?
ALso how do we access the e book purchases
The registration has been posted: It is the Marriott on Lockwood Dr. Just realized there's a Courtyard Marriott on Lockwood Dr., but the conference hotel is actually 150 Lockwood Blvd.
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Does anyone know if they will extend the $495 registration for the SC conference longer? It seems, given the current circumstances, they should extend it longer than April 30. In another month, we should have a better idea what's going to be feasible.