Wiki Altered Level of Consciousness

Hi :),

We've -

R40.4: Transient alteration of awareness

R40.0: Somnolence (Drowsiness)

R40.20: Unspecified Coma (Unconsciousness NOS)

So, I would suggest R40.20 would be appropriate one.

P.S.- An altered level of consciousness is any measure of arousal other than normal. Level of consciousness (LOC) is a measurement of a person's arousability and responsiveness to stimuli from the environment.

Somnolence (alternatively "sleepiness" or "drowsiness") is a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods.

Unconsciousness is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost. It involves a complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli.

Hope this helps!!!
