Wiki Code for Revision of Vaginal Cuff, Removal of Knot


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I need help with a code. The doctor states that the patient is post-hysterectomy, and that the vaginal cuff has a knot in it that needs to be removed. The patient's partner can feel the knot left at the surgical site. I was looking for some sort of scar revision code...but nothing is popping up. Any ideas?
Yes, hard to find. Knot removal amounts to suture removal only.Revision needs to have repair or placing some sutures/ and irrigation sort of stuff there.
Suture removal /Examination under anesthesia we have separate codes. Removal of impacted FB under anesthesia we do have a code. But not for the description we have at hand now, I believe.
If it is away from global, we can have a E/M service.
Do you have any more info as regards to the actual procedure?
I really wish that some one comes out with great idea.
ALL the best.
I think there will be a removal of the knot, so definitely sutuere and irrigation. What revision code are you thinking?
57150 irrigation of vagina / and or...........
57200 suture of vagina, colporrhaphy (this could be trauma or surgery made/procedural, though, necessitating another incision or revision of the previous incision.
Any injured site repair or suturing of the vagina, merits the term colporrhaphy.
If that suites your situation with gap/or opening of the previous suture site,and resuturing, I feel the code 57200 could be thought of as well.
I hope this helps you to consider.