Wiki Open Cystolithotomy?


Clearwater, FL
Best answers
Looking for a code for this.. I've seen 52317/51040 for lithopaxy, but since the stone was removed in this case maybe 52315/51040? I've also been looking at 51065 but it's a bladder stone not a ureteral stone.

Foley cather was placed into bladder to straight drain. Bladder was emptied. Was then filled with 360mL of normal saline. Foley was then clamped. A horizontal midline incision was made just above the pubic bone and through combination of sharp and blunt dissection rectus fascia was dissected down to and then opened up with a 15 blade. Rectus muscles were then separated and then the bladder was palpated by finger palpitation. Dome of the bladder was identified and 2 2-0 Vicryl suture were placed as stay sutures in the dome. The dome of the bladder was then opened with the Bovie electrocautery and the bladder was emptied of all fluid. The stone was palpitated then removed with a sponge stick clamp. The mucosa of the bladder was then reapproximated with running 3 O chromic suture. The muscle was then reapproximated with running 2 0 chromic suture. The several interrupted 2 0 chromic imbricated sutures were placed over the suture line. Rectus muscle was reapproximated with 2 interrupted 2 0 chromic suture. Rectus fascia was then brought together with running 0 Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous fat was reapproximated with interrupted 3 O chromic suture. Skin was then reapproximated with running 4 0 Monocryl in a subcuticular fashion.

Thanks for your help.