Wiki Revenue Codes for Colonoscopy and EGD


Hillsboro, OR
Best answers
Rev codes are new to me, so I need some direction. I have scenario for Colonoscopy and EGD, so what are the revenue codes for this combination?
Revenue codes for Colonoscopy and EGD

I am used to coding CPT codes, but need to code Revenue code in this case. Here are my CPT codes:


Are revenue codes 750 or 759, or both? Or what is the answer? Help....:confused:
Well -- if you need revenue codes you must be billing on a ubo4 which means you are billing for the facility.

Your revenue codes are 490 for each line you bill
implants are rev code 278 usually but not always
fluoro has a different revenue code and so does anesthesia or conscious sedation services, but for the codes you listed -- each one is rev code 490

hope this helps
Revenue code 490 is usually only used for an ASC, which is what I bill for, and what we use, so if you are billing for an ASC, this is correct. The 750 and 759 are described as gastrointestinal services - general classification and gastrointestinal services - other. These would be used in a hospital or other facility type setting. :0)