Wiki sacroiliac joint injections


Melvin, MI
Best answers
I have a primary care provider that does sacroiliac joint injections in the office - or at least that is how he is documenting it. It's tough to imagine he is getting it into the joint without imaging guidance -- which is why CPT guidelines state that without imaging guidance to use 20552, trigger point injection rather than 27096 (which is with imaging). I think I have finally gotten him to stop putting 27096 in for billing BUT now we run into the LCD for trigger point injections which does not include the diagnosis of sacroilitis. SO -- I am wondering about using G0260, Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint; provision of anesthetic, steroid and/or other therapeutic agent, with or without arthrography.

It seems like I read a post somewhere about some HCPCS codes not being acceptable to use on the professional side of coding. Therefore I ask all ya'll more experienced than I ..... can I use G0620 for Medicare and payers that follow Medicare guidelines?


For Medicare & Medicare Advantage Plans you would use the G code.

If it's a commercial payer I would check their guidelines first to see if they would accept the G code or 27096.