Cardiology Coding Alert


J0152 May Be Ditched in 2014 for Adenosine

A new J code appears to be on the horizon.

The way you report units for adenosine may change next January.

CMS has posted a preliminary decision to discontinue current code J0152 (Injection, adenosine for diagnostic use, 30 mg [not to be used to report any adenosine phosphate compounds; instead use A9270]).

In its place, CMS proposes to introduce a new J code that will change the per-unit amount from 30 mg to 1 mg in the definition: Injection, adenosine for diagnostic use, 1 mg (not to be used to report any adenosine phosphate compounds; instead use A9270). If approved, the new code will be effective Jan. 1, 2014.

Resource: You’ll find CMS’s preliminary decisions regarding proposed HCPCS 2014 changes in the May 8, 2013, HCPCS Public Meeting Agenda at 

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